Thursday, October 31, 2013

Little.Fish. signing off

Thank you for reading as I have been working out my thoughts, dreams, desires, struggles, conflictions, hopes, goals, failures.  It has meant something to me & in whatever part, I'm glad to have shared it with you. (to see all the posts for Little.Fish. please click here)

story time with daddy & super Hayden

talking to preschool friends on his phone in the driveway & followed closely by his #2

this one that I can't keep up with ;-)

waiting on the rain with an umbrella & rubber ducky

hiding from mommy, I can't see him behind this book.

passing down of the rain boots to Hayden + sunrise = bliss

playing with baby bro - 3 in a frame

teamwork & undies!!

crazy crazy crazy & our target fiasco

neighbors & puppy chasing & jeep riding


My spirit feels like its already done the 'wrap up' in the last couple days.  And I'm so grateful for the Lord's gift of clarity over how torn I was feeling about what to do with the talents I've been given.  I am confident now that as I focus my eyes on Christ, serving & loving my family, serving & loving my community, that I will find plenty of places to use the talents I've been given.  right here, in my own home, my own church, my own blog space/instagrams.

as Emily P. Freeman says in her book, I can be my true self & give away bits of my creator reflected in my own unique personality & in my 'art'

as Ann Voskamp says in her book, I can recognize the blessings of the Lord in what feels good & what feels bad.  all is gift & I am grateful He's in charge.

I laughed a few weeks ago when a sweet friend of mine asked me, "how's it going, the 31 days writing?"  I couldn't find an answer, I stumbled, stuttered.  Well, how did it go?  haha, I suppose I was hoping to have some kind of goal or assessment for this activity, but I don't.  I do think the Lord has worked out many of my own questions, almost like therapy, through the words on this screen.  In that way, I suppose I can say, it went well.  it gave me life.  it challenged me.  it made me afraid.  it made my head&heart happy.  it meant something to me.

Thank you Lord, for the million little ways you show your glory through me.  Thank you Lord for the one thousand gifts you give and more.  Thank you Lord for the ways your teach me through others & Thank you Lord for letting me pass on some of those words you've given me to do the same.  that is blessing.

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