I got Matt a card for his first Father's Day this year with an adorable picture of a sleeping baby over a daddy's shoulder, and it said "Great Dads make for sweet dreams" or something like that.

So when I saw this moment occur I had to hope I could get a cute shot. James was so sleepy, and we were trying to go out to lunch after church to celebrate Matt's upcoming birthday (which he's been very reluctant to celebrate).

He's a minimalist gift-receiver, but not at all when it comes to gift giving. It all makes it hard for me to get good gifts in a minimalist way. :-) Hopefully, I have been able to do a better job than normal this year with James' help. Its so wonderful to make gifts out of your memories of raising a child. The coffee cup we made him for Father's Day gave me the idea to make a picture book of some of Matt's favorite pictures of James. Don't worry, he got his gift early so I'm not spoiling it. I truly love it too, and I think that James will like reading the book with his pictures in it when he's old enough. I was incredibly creative when it came to the words for the book, haha. Its the happy birthday song with some colorful additions by me.
"Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you...
Happy Birthday dear Daddy
Happy Birthday to you.
Happy Birthday to you, Let's go to the zoo...
Roo looks like a money,
and he smells like one too.
Happy Birthday to you, Happy happy Birthday to you
Happy Birthday dear Daddy, Let's go to the zoo!!"
So that is the plan for Matt's birthday celebration. James' first trip to the zoo, and I can't wait!!
But seriously, who could look more peaceful. I love that face so much.