Sunday, March 4, 2012

Some GREAT reads. (The Help, One Thousand Gifts, The Meaning of Marriage)

I've been reading some good books this year- nothing is quite like a good book.  It is always a bitter sweet thing to finish one that you've become attached to!

1. The Help - great read.  better than the movie (as all books truly are).  but seriously, if you loved the movie the book had so much more detail and better laid out plot with the boyfriend and the dismissal of Constantine.  I'll loan you mine. haha

2. 1000 Gifts - LOVE LOVE LOVE this book.  I'm reading it in my women's Bible study and the discussion is so full.  (those of you who have read it will appreciate my use of the empty/full, haha).  I would HIGHLY recommend this book to anyone who struggles with grief and/or the messiness of life.  It dissects the normal and has helped me make room to see Christ in the everyday beauty as well as the mess.  What a gift- To learn how to truly be thankful - in anything.  Love the journey of this book.

From a woman who ACTUALLY does hand wash all her dishes.  I liked her soap bubbles bit.

3. The Meaning of Marriage - received this as a gift from my parents.  I've so enjoyed reading it- been so encouraged by the early chapters and how they refute our society's take on why marriage isn't important. There is great chapter about the Biblical origins of marriage and its design, and a nice rebuttal on the misunderstood role of 'submission' of women preached by some. More to come...

Love it when it strikes me in a whole new way.

To be known and loved.  What deep blessing it is.  I hope to know it more and more.

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