Wednesday, March 21, 2012


Speaking of trains- we were able to take James and Hayden up to the NC Transportation Museum to ride the train for St. Patrick's Day.  It was a bit of a rocky morning- car trouble = car in the shop all day & boys struggles = uncontrollable sobbing/throwing up.  yikes!  But really, the Lord was so gracious to us that day.  We were able to get everything with the car fixed for a good price & a good value.  We were able to step back from those blood boiling moments of toddler-tantrum-trauma & do some self evaluation.  What a blessing it is to go through the normal struggles of life & look for God's purpose and refining fire.  I'm thankful that all those moments that make me fray around the edges are not merely happenstance or mundane, but constructive- or rather deconstructive.  I know I'm seeking God in those moments now when I haven't before & letting go of my own way- my own vision of what I want my boys to do & be.

We are all in his plans- can't I be thankful for all in the midst of what seems like constant struggle?

I'm grateful- I have to stop and realize it, but I'm so grateful for what I've been given.  How full my life is- so many things that go unnoticed.  But, I am stopping, noticing, and saying thanks.

 Who cares that I smelled like vomit?? not Hayden.  A moment almost a direct product of embracing the hand we were dealt that day.  What do we do with what we've been given?  Our best- our honest response of gratitude.  Such joy comes from a thankful heart.

Such joy comes from a boy in undies & rainboots.  haha

 Such happiness comes from an iPad.  but more importantly, such love comes from a daddy- our boys are smitten.  Daddy lights up their world- even Hayden now gets such a big grin and giggles when Daddy comes home.  One day I hope they can be truly thankful for their dad- that is a gift in and of itself.

ok, ok.  This one has nothing to do with anything. haha.

And this- I've gotten to take some evening jogs since the time change & I love it.  My favorite time of day because of the light- our neighborhood the huge, old trees are so beautiful.  It is tough not to run and watch where I'm going. haha.  Trying to soak up those minutes.

What a heavenly blaze is behind some sunsets- just makes me think about the all consuming, blazing fire, the glory of God.  Kinda scares me on one hand, but somehow also makes me long to see heaven.  Made me run faster that night to see if I could get a better view before it was gone... blessing.

"Let me feel you shine Lord, let me feel you shine.  So beautiful and warm, so beautiful and bright.  Like the sun coming out, oh will radiate the sky...."

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