
31 Days: Little.Fish.

Welcome!  If you're looking for an easy link for my first #31days writing challenge, here you go.  ;-)  In October 2013, I was wrestling with the idea of embracing smallness, when the desire to be 'big' tempted me to become malcontented.  The struggle against 'seeking fame' or 'being known' by others is real, and balancing that with the call to 'realize your own personal potential' is difficult.  I attacked this by writing about being a 'little fish' in the following variety of ways.  The struggle to accept the small (me) with open hands & enjoy the good gifts I've been given in this, my one life.  I do not desire my own fame, but do desire to use what the Lord gives me as a good steward.  I think one way to do that is to write & share it, and press in&on through the different seasons.

I hope you enjoy these little pieces of myself - lots of confession & repentance & restoration for my soul, in the baring.  Thank you!

1. Little.Fish. 
2. Content to be a Little.Fish?
3. Little.Fish. by comparison?
4. Little.Fish. in an ocean.
5. funny Little.Fish.
6. Little.Fish. swimming with sharks
7. a Little.Fish. can encourage
8. an ((invisible)) Little.Fish.
9. a Little.Fish. with a rebellious heart
10. this Little.Fish. is Tired
11. a Little.Fish. with a big mouth
12. a Little.Fish, all dried up
13. Little.Fish, humbled
14. a strong Little.Fish.
15. this Little.Fish. likes to dance
16. this Little.Fish. loves to sing
17. Little.Fish, washed by the water
18. a Little.Fish. in a world of beauty
19. Little.Fish, who drags her feet
20. my Little.Fish. growing big&big
21. Little.Fish. swimming in a school
22. Little.Fish. swimming in a school [part 2]
23. a Little.Fish, on assignment
24. an anxious Little.Fish.
25. 6.months.old
26. a Little.Fish. in a little pond
27. an imperfect Little.Fish.
28. a Little.Fish. with gifts
29. Little.Fish. in a maze
30. Little.Fish signing off

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