Wednesday, January 25, 2012


More explanation to come on my continued effort to separate moments out of our day to day whirl wind of life.  But, these moments.  Sweet time with his Daddy who loves him so much.  These are easy to stand back and be grateful for.  To say thank you Lord that we were given this day to share, and to truly MEAN it.  Gratitude- such a beautiful, eye opening, soul stirring, heaven-gazing practice.

Isn't it easy on a beautiful, sunny perfect day- watching your best friend and husband light up the eyes of your precious baby boy.

I have found when Hayden's not sleeping and when I'm so frustrated and tired, that all I have to do is think of his mysterious eyes and how much I love them.  and say thank you Lord.  They sparkle.  It makes any sleep depravation seem trifling.  and he snuggles me.  buries his little head into my shoulder when he's sleepy.  grabs my hair so hard that I worry he'll end up with a fist full.  but his little laugh, oh we do anything to get that little laugh.

Sweet baby kisses.  They aren't the most comfortable experience, but they truly are sweet (albeit gross). haha.  I'm so grateful for those big open mouth smiles.  Thank you Lord for being so good to me- you know that I don't deserve it.  It's all a gift.

Help our boys to know it too one day Lord.  How lucky and blessed we are, and how much we LOVE them.

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