Friday, May 10, 2024

Yay December!

December started off with Lego Advent calendars from Grammy&Papa! The boys were so excited about these, especially James since it was Star Wars.

James got to go to the Physics Day field trip for his science class, and as you can see in this photo, he bought a squid hat.

I love decorating with live greenery for Christmas. I love the red and green plaids, I love my advent countdown wreath with the candles, and I love the Christmas plates my mother in law gave me. I love how the house looks and smells at Christmas.

This group photo of James in a car packed full of friends - this is why I love where we live. I think growing up in a small town has so many benefits, but friendships since kindergarten is one of them.

Grandma and Grandpa in town to watch our awesome soccer team and cheer for their favorite player. We celebrated quite a few times with victory cheeseburgers! This picture at the five guys is a classic.

This drawing of an elf brought to you by David. He said, "I would be a special elf. I would be a king's elf." Who even knows, but I love it.

"The first present(s) of Christmas!!" I love how the gifts look all wrapped up. It gets a little lost when there are so many things happening on Christmas morning, but I love pretty wrapping. I also loved how my Aunt Cindy would send gifts, hand wrapped, for my boys every year. She had a habit of sending the favorite gift of Christmas for quite a few years! (shark blanket, lavender stuffed animals, etc) These were water bottles that we are still using to this day.

I had a chance to go watch my friend Isabelle compete for Miss Sweetheart of Jacksonville, so the boys went to a bike parade with Matt and our friends Dalton and Ann. They had a great time!

Isabelle was awesome and looked so gorgeous! She won the whole thing!! I caught her surprise moment on camera, and we were able to get a picture together at the end. Way to go Isabell!! It was so exciting!

My sweet dog sleeping next to me while I wrap my adult gift of 2022: acupressure mats! This may have been a little bit of a bust, but I really thought it could be something we all loved. I still try to get myself to use mine, but it does take a little bit of time and gumption. ha! Matt teases me about this one still.

My Mom sent me this picture of my thumbprint ornament - she was decorating for Christmas and thinking of me!

Our boy James and his buddy Bryan. Amazingly, our team made it all the way to the championship game for our county, and THEY WON! It was just an incredible match, but they managed to keep the lead in overtime minutes. Gosh, it was probably one of the most exciting games I've ever watched. Such incredible talent on those teams. Congrats Lakeside!!!

The championship team! The 7th graders, and James with Coach Dailey. Thank you for an awesome experience Coach Dailey!

This year's felt ornament from the Star Wars collection: Darth Vader. He was actually a lot of fun to make. I love how these turn out!

We had never been to see the light at the Jacksonville Arboretum, so we went with Dalton&Ann. We had a good time seeing the different displays; it was lovely company and lovely decorations. 

I honestly don't remember what this is, but Calvin's face! haha! Goodbye School, see you next year!

Everybody wanted some baby Thomas snuggles! That sweet little face; he was a great sport and let all the boys play with him. What a cutie pie!

All the grandkids doing a craft project with Mimi. I believe they were making snow globe ornaments with different decorations inside. Mimi always has something up her sleeve! She is a creative soul.

She also had this little idea: have the grandchildren do a live nativity. We had a little baby to play Jesus, Thomas. We had two little angles, Evie and Charlotte. We had Mary and Joseph, Nora and Max. We had two shepherds, Calvin and David. And we had three wise men, James, Hayden, and Jack.

Time to have Christmas presents! All the Prose grandchildren.

It was really great to get to have some early Christmas celebrations with Grandpa&Mimi at their house with all their cousins. But getting to come home for the actual day is my favorite. The actual day of holidays or birthdays is special to me, and I love celebrating it that way. David was the first one up, as usual, and him sitting in front of the tree is so peacful. Not peaceful for long, the excitement was about to start!

Our boys are spoiled by us and their family members. They probably think this is normal. They were given books, soccer kits, soccer fan signed prints, new shoes and toys and a big stuffed bunny. I love giving them gifts; it is so much fun!

Yes Calvin, that's Renaldo. Gosh, it doesn't get better.

The boys got two group gifts this year. Matt picked out a big soccer goal net for our front yard, which has been really great! And we also swapped out our Nintendo Wii (and games and accessories) for a new-to-us Xbox One! I think it was a great way to swap up without having to buy something new. It works on lots of different games and the boys were so excited.

Ah Christmas morning was through, and all the wrapping paper bits thrown out. We packed ourselves up and went to visit Grammy&Papa to celebrate.

These pictures of James and Papa are my favorite. I love James' hair in this and his Patagonia sweater with jeans. I don't always love his outfits, but this one was totally my style. I mean and these faces, haha! Thanks for having us, we loved seeing your tree and all the gifts. We love coming to the farm!

I had bought gingerbread house kits, and we never got around to making them. So after we got home, there were lots of new toys to play with, but we made time to put these together. It never gets old.

The cookies Michelle made us for Christmas this year were just outstanding!! Her 'edible Christmas' is actually the best gift ever. We look forward to her cookies in a unique way. Thank you Michelle and Brendan! 

The new ornaments the boys made at school - I had to document what they looked like for this year. It is hard to keep track!

I am so excited to finish this look back at 2022. It has been such a long time coming, and I am so thankful to get to print another year of our lives as a family (well bits of it!). Thank you Lord for your help to get this accomplished. Thank you for the ways we have been able to enjoy these memories together. They are such a blessing! Thank you for all that we were able to see and do in 2022. Amen.

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