Wednesday, July 20, 2022

hello May

May began with a Lyon family celebration of Nana's life. It was pretty surreal after the covid year and not seeing anyone in the extended family for 2 years or more- just to be together. But being together to pay our respects to Nana was challenging. I remember Teresa had caught a cold, and was so worried about everyone thinking she was sick, she almost stayed home and missed Nana's funeral. We talked her into taking a covid test, which was negative, and she was able to go with her mask with the confidence that she wasn't going to spread covid at least. That is the clearest memory I have of that weekend actually: how stressful everything was, but worrying about covid made it so much worse.

 We had a 'family only' service (to make it safer) which made it even more odd. Jim officiated the service, and hearing lots of stories and memories made it beautiful. It was truly a celebration of her life and legacy, which we all share a part in. We all went back to Nana's house after her burial, and walking through her house, which was sold shortly after her passing, was probably the strangest part of it all. Looking through all her belongings, searching for something to remember her by or just to save things that were beautiful or meaningful was emotional work. The final years of her life were didn't get to spend much time with Nana, and that in and of itself made it all harder to process. Thank you Lord for family-being together was a gift.

Grandpa and all his grandkids! Sadly, Mimi wasn't in the picture too.

Mother's Day is always a special day, but it was literally the only part of David's VPK year that I got to participate in with him. It was so sad that we didn't get to celebrate all the holidays throughout the year, but it was really special to get to go for Mother's Day. David was so happy!

I picked out this puzzle for the Cumming's kids and mine too when we had funerals to attend. We didn't get it out until we got home, but this one has been a fan favorite. It is relatively simple, but 1000 pieces always take some time to finish.

This year in Young Life, I had two senior girls! My friend Gayle and I decided to take our two special senior girls to dinner down in St. Augustine. We had such fun spoiling them and celebrating their last year of high school. Love you both Brooke & Ellie!!

End of the year YL keychains and Mother's Day roses at the soccer field. Coach Christ is the best!

We hosted a few end of the year parties for club soccer teams. James' team with Coach Greg in the picture below. David had his end of the season party that I coordinated. This one was easiest because it was at the field after his last game.

On a good day you find a slug to play with, and you find some of your mother in laws glass bowls at your neighbor's garage sale.

My campaigner girls & me did an escape room to celebrate the end of the year!

The boys' had their first piano recital with Miss Mia. It was really fun to see them practice and perform for us and her Dad!

I organized my bookcase with rainbow colors and I just love the giant clam bowl on the top! David had one of his last days at preschool, and it was 'what I want to be when I grow up' day. Of course he chose baseball, why not!?

David had such a sweet little group of friends at preschool; his last day was bittersweet for me! This was by far the saddest preschool graduation I've attended. Closing this chapter of our family's life hit me hard.

David got to be the flag holder for the pledge, that was a first for our family. And he and Modest were so cute on the stage together! I couldn't help myself of snap a few pictures of them.

Thank you for a wonderful year OPPC!!

It was really nice to have Grandpa&Mimi with us that morning. In years past, we took all the boys to see graduation, but Covid rules said no siblings allowed. It was special for us though! Glad we got to have graduation in person.

I never get tired of seeing all four of them sitting together. I love it.

Taking the kayaks out in the lake with Hermione! She loves running through the water more than anything else.

you&me babe 😘

Lord thank you for the time you gave us in May. It brought the end of so many different seasons. Thank you for Nana's life and legacy. Thank you for how she impacted us all, and I pray that her memory would be a blessing. Thank you for a great year of soccer for each of our boys; thank you for each of their coaches. May you continue to use all the everyday and mundane things for our good and your glory. Help us see things how you see them! Thank you for the years we were at OPPC preschool, and thank you for all the wonderful memories. I will treasure them. Help me move to the next season with a thankful heart and a spirit of gratitude. Lord you know how hard it is for me to move forward into the unknown! Thank you for our family and our community. Thank you for our local Young Life community and for how much these sweet high school girls bless me. I pray that you continue to reveal yourself to us all! Thank you Lord for loving us and never letting us go. Amen.

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