The end of winter in Florida & the beginning of Spring get all tangled together in a way that continues to confuse us all. We have lived in Florida on&off for the past 13 years almost, and I am still surprised by weather in winter. Every year.
Soccer can come terribly cold some days with the wind blowing off of the lake, but by the end of the season we break out the sun screen and worry about getting dehydrated! But, cold or hot, it is absolutely beautiful weather & I love watching my boys play!
James and Hayden had their first academy season, and Calvin got to play his first recreation season! I love the little things about this sport- their uniforms and how handsome they look all together. I love seeing James enjoy the thrill of the chase, and I love Hayden's drive to win. I love Calvin's excitement and the way he runs sort of hap-hazardly around in the right or wrong direction.
David was my training buddy for the Gate River Run this year & he really was a good sport. I learned to load up with lolipops and apple sauce, and this guy would let me push him all over the place. This picture was our last run together, and it helped me know I could do it! 9 miles is far, but it always makes me feel so grateful that my body can accomplish this goal every year.
Another one bites the dust!
We had 'all county' club at our location & it was WILD! The energy in that little room was crazy, and we all got a taste of what it's like to join together. OPHS Young Life on its way to finishing up our first full year of club!

A good lesson about being 'selfless' and 'selfish'. What can we learn from Jesus' example?
These boys in their red uniforms are just the absolute cutest. It's hard to believe in this picture they are 8, 6, + 4 (for another month).
Big brothers who read to baby brother are the stuff that softens their momma's heart, always.
For Spring Break this year, we went tent camping at Hannah Park, which is just on the north side of town on the coast. It was FREEZING but surprisingly fun. The boys were great sports, loved playing in the woods, loved the camp fire, & loved their sleeping bags.
All four of them across the flour on top of some foam tiles for padding. Bless their sweet hearts! I almost couldn't believe it actually happened! Of course, the after picture (not included) was all of them slid down to the bottom side of the tent away from the heater because were were on a slight incline! haha, they were in a little pile, and it was kind of hilarious.
Time to adventure!
Picnic lunches with campfire sandwiches.
Probably my favorite part of camping here was the beach access! We found beach glass & shark's teeth. Walking down the beach with our friends & hunting was very cold but so fun & so tranquil.
Camping with friends is the best!!
James is my entrepreneur who always wants to set up a roadside stand to sell something. Well, he found some great sea shells, and thought maybe he could make a quick buck. He found some volunteer junior salesmen to help out.
The other great discovery of our camping trip was my new favorite sea food restaurant in Jax - Safe Harbour Seafood! It was located just down the road from the camp ground, so it was the perfect lunch the day we packed up. They didn't even mind how camp grungy we were because its all fish grungy over there! As you can tell, this is where they catch the fish and off load them, so it is the freshest you can get!
Somehow, we got roped into a day at Legoland. I cannot remember which boy made this happen, but it was fun for mom&dad to finally see all the things that the boys get to do with their grandparents on their birthday trips.
We rearranged the office and found little helper siting in there one afternoon in the beautiful sunshine.
I could just eat up this sweet little nugget! Two-year-old David Prose, you melt my heart & Hayden's too!
David, you lay on everybody & follow most of us around to see what were are doing. I love how you copy your brothers & steal my shoes & make us all laugh.
This is our boys at a Flag Football game at OP - they always want to sit at the very top of the stadium, ha!!
Me, promoting my noonday jewelry for a party I hosted. It turned our lovely, and on the Thursday before Easter, which is called Maundy Thursday. I decided to serve communion to my friends since we were together on such a holy day. The traditional egg loaf was so pretty I had to take a picture!
Safe Harbour called my name again, so we made the drive over and even got to sit at the bar top! Watching the boats as we ate our fresh seafood in our shorts & t-shirts. You never know with Florida.
Easter was warm weather & my parents came down to celebrate with us! Matt had gone our to California for work, so the boys all had on their tshirts he had brought home. Easter egg hunts brought to you by James Prose!
Papa on the flood with all the boys.
All the boys in their 'No Scent' shirts from Grammy&Papa. They can all go to 'work' with Papa now at the 'No Scent' office, aka Grammy&Papa's house. We celebrated Easter by going to pick out some treats from Sweet Pete's candy store downtown. They make some great candy!
Our Easter dinner prayers: I love watching David imitate us all when he folds his hands and bows his head. It was a lovely meal together!
The Sweet Pete's chocolate bunnies were declared the winners by a landslide: they were so huge we never finished even one! That is saying something. Note to self: buy smaller chocolates for dessert at Easter! haha. The boys didn't mind the challenge though, and Calvin's face says it all. Happy Easter!
Lord thank you for this walk through memories & blessings you've given to us. When I am struggling with discontentment or worrying about the future, would you continue to remind me with these beautiful opportunities to reflect on all you've given to us. We have chocolate bunnies that we can't ever finish; you are so generous to us. Thank you Father. Amen.