James' game was second, and he scored his first goal!! The last goal of the game, amazing! He really made amazing progress and played really hard all season. He even was awarded the 'sportsmanship' award of the 'shark eyes' because of being the most encouraging player to his teammates. Wow, we were so proud. James was awarded 'best throw ins' and his team got special medals as well. Great job James! We had so much fun watching you play.
Beach season starts early in FL, and even when the water was still a little cold for swimming, we enjoy going to the beach. Our boys never have trouble finding something to do or play at the beach. They all absolutely love it. It's one of our family's favorite places.
I guess the water wasn't that cold!
Our typical afternoon play.
Our Calvin went in for his 2 year old appointment. He weighed 31 lbs and was 37 inches tall! Such a big boy and growing up so fast.
We had some really beautiful lilies this year in our yard, and I couldn't help but stop and take a picture of each one. They only lasted a day or two before they wilted, but each plant ended up with several blooms
My sweet Hayden & his Mother's Day party at school!
My buddy James & his Mother's Day party! He even drew a portrait of me, which I just adore. It is funny; I let him pick out my dress for the party, and it matched what he drew!
We were able to meet up with the Proses for Grandpa's birthday & celebrate with some fishing & fun! The boys had a great time, but ended the weekend getting sick & spiking fevers. It was a sweet but rough weekend!
Fish caught by James was so excited!
Happy Birthday Grandpa! Your grandsons all love you very much.
Our sweet family of 5.
My Mother's Day view. I love beautiful flowers & a sweet read. My gift to my Mom was this book so that we could read it together. and coffee- gotta love a hot cup of coffee with a little peace and quiet during nap time.
This was the Bible verse of the month at preschool, and James was able to recite this when I asked him what we should write for our new board. I was so encouraged and proud of his memory!
James learned was symmetry was at preschool, so he was practicing it with his tower.
The big boys had swimming lessons with their teacher Coach Sally, and they did great! They made some great strides, and have continued to improve this summer. We are so glad we had lessons early in the summer.
Our boys really wanted to go fishing again, so we were lucky to head out on our neighbor's dock to do a little fishing on Memorial Day weekend while Daddy was on call. These are some sweet little fishermen.
These boys crack me up sometimes- they decided they didn't want to sleep with shirts on. I can't help but just love their silly sweetness.
Hayden's last day of school! It was hard to say goodbye for me, because the boys had some great experiences this past year. But as time marches on & we all must move forward in the march, I have tried not to dwell on the sadness of the leaving. We can count the blessing of what has been & be brave to go into the next.
Hayden's first & last day of the Rainbow class.
James' VPK graduation! What a big, tall guy he has become this year. He was so excited to go & celebrate. It was a sweet day.
James & his sweet teachers. They have been so wonderful this year, and we are looking forward to Hayden spending a year with them as well!
We were able to take a family picture & the boys got together with Mimi to snap a picture as well. I'm so glad we could all be together.
James' first & last days of VPK!