Sunday, March 20, 2011

The Zoo!!

We finally got to take our little monkey to the zoo!!  He was given a year membership for our family as a Christmas gift from his Uncle Mike and Aunt Natassja, and we have been waiting for the chance to go!  Its always tricky when you have to match weather AND Matt not being on call.  But, we did it!

We went to the Asheboro Zoo, which is divided up into North America and Africa.  We were able to get through the whole park in about 5 hours, which is saying something because we walked from the one side to the other, and back!!  

Check out the 'marsh' exhibit- it make us a little homesick for good ole F-L-O-R-I-D-A and its marsh lands.  The gators were not the favorite; that's old news.  Can we go out on the boat soon??  haha, gotta find a life jacket for our little man first!

We have really been enjoying taking our walks in this awesome Spring weather with our new stroller!  We took it to the zoo for its awesome sun shade and the height that James can sit.  We thought there couldn't be a better seat in the house. :-)  We got this stroller because it converts to a double stroller with a second seat attachment, and we are so excited to use it with baby boy Prose when he gets here!!!

Check out our little map reader, haha.  Where to next James?

One of the potential favorite spots in Africa was this view of the Giraffe, Zebra, and Ostrich exhibit.  As you can see, he was too excited by the exhibit to even turn around for the picture, haha.  Our little buddy was loving every minute.

Second potential favorite: the chimpanzee who was actually carrying a 7.5 month old baby around her waist.  My favorite pose of the day was when he saw the animals and would jump and point and scream! haha, it was awesome.

Chimpanzee baby!! (actually, this is I don't want to wear this hat mom)

North American favorite candidate #1: The elk.  Don't tell him that his Papa has shot one! haha.  He loves these guys, as you can see from the swinging little legs, which his momma LOVED looking at all day! haha, I can't get enough of those little legs.


The Double Point! haha, my goofy boy.

Our tired little fella did great on the 2 hour ride there and back, and for a reward, we had enough energy to have Bratwust on the grill, tater tots, and baked beans for dinner sitting on our back porch.  Best day?? yes.  Finished it off with a little guitar before his bath and bed.  He loves to play guitar with his daddy. :-)

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