Wednesday, September 1, 2010

inspiration - Beth Moore's So Long Insecurity

its hard to imagine a day where you feel so uplifted, and then so defeated and frustrated almost in the same breath.  Isn't that life?  I have been reading Beth Moore's So Long Insecurity that my Mom gave me, and I just LOVE it.  It is no secret to me that I have some insecurity issues (and have had them for a long time), but for a book to systematically analyze what can cause insecurity and describe the different ways that insecurity looks, it has really opened my eyes.  We can identify the issue and pray for healing.  I had always viewed it as something that I could just overcome.  Surprisingly, she used a verse from Proverbs 31 as her first point.  31:25 "She is clothed with strength and dignity..."

 Now, if you know me you know how I have struggled with the validity of the becoming the 'Proverbs 31 woman' as a life goal.  I do not want to for lots of reasons, especially because she doesn't sleep.  But, it was really REALLY good to find a portion of that verse to grab hold of and learn how the Lord clothes her with strength and dignity.  Its a gift that we have, not something we have to do or provide for ourselves.  I'm not a fan of women's study teachers who insist that christian women MUST emulate her life in order to be the wife of noble character or to be beautiful in the Lord's eyes.  I'm pretty sure that the check box list of her life is not something I will ever complete, nor do I want to, nor do I feel that I'm called to.  I'm thinking that I've been given the gift of strength and dignity by my savior and don't have to try to earn it by never sleeping and coming up with some kind of craft to sell.  I totally respect craftiness; it is a gift.  But I don't think that we must emulate anyone's life but Christ in order to please the Lord.

So, I highly recommend reading Beth's book if you haven't.

Another truly inspirational high for me yesterday was the blog 'Bring the Rain' by the wife of the male vocalist in the group Selah, which I love.  Wow.  I had to go to the Amazon site for her book to see the video that summarizes their story of losing a baby girl named Audrey.  I cried of course.  and now I follow her blog.  Yesterday's post was really amazing.  She talked about her prayer life, and it really spoke to my heart as a person who also struggles with 'doing it right.'  If you need encouragement in that area, read it.  I too have the little sleep sheep 'Lamb' that makes the ocean wave sounds. :-)

Can you have such an amazing day and truly escape all frustrations?  Me: nope.  I was stocking up on making baby food and of course got frustrated and lost my nerve.  Coming undone over something so stilly makes me shake my head; how easy it is to forget our Savior and the lessons we learn, the peace we find.

One of my Mom's friends, whom I adore, said to me once, "one day I'll put on my big girl panties and get over it."  I hate the phrase 'get over it.'  I'm so glad that I don't have to 'get over it.'  I can ask for healing and peace and learn some new things and be filled.  Truly filled, instead of feeling the emptiness that 'getting over it' brings.

I hope you have an inspiring day.

When I consider your heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon and the stars, which you have set in place, what is man that you are mindful of him, the son of man that you care for him?  You made him a little lower than the heavenly beings and crowned him with glory and [dignity].
Psalm 8:3-5